Use the Total Spend report to get a complete picture of the total spent with a vendor through direct pay, purchase orders, and purchasing card transactions (requires FAST PCard). You can select specific filter options including, Fiscal Year, Period, Chart, and Acct Type.
In order to integrate the purchasing card (PCard) data, the report will use any vendor and merchant mapping that has been made in the Vendor Mapping FAST PCard application.
This page has been created with complete G/L detail to allow for flexible data aggregation, and provide the ability to create various different graphs and dashboard items
1. On the Operating Statement menu, click Transaction Detail then Total Spend. Select one or more Filter Options to execute your report.
Use your Grid Options to aggregate the results
Create a Virtual Column
Create a Pinned Report
Aggregate using Subtotals
Apply one or more Group Functions
Create a Graph for your Dashboard
Create a Grid for your Dashboard